Transformers Stop Motion Fandom Wiki
Destroyer (eagc7 Transformers/Marvel Stop Motions)
Appeared in Thor
S.H.I.E.L.D. Files
Status Deactivated
Gender Genderless

The Destroyer was an enchanted, automated Asgardian weapon, The Destroyer unyieldingly obeys the ruler of Asgard, no matter who the ruler may be at any given time. Thus, the Destroyer can be used both for good and evil intentions.


A Gift to the Asgardians[]

The Destroyer was built by the Nibelung race, which would present this as a gift to the Asgardians, when some Frost Giants attacked Asgard to steal the Casket of Winters, the Destroyer would kill them. Thor


When Loki usurped the throne of Asgard he took control of the Destroyer and sent it to kill his brother Thor. The Destroyer was sent through the Bifrost Bridge from Asgard to Earth; S.H.I.E.L.D. agents including Phil Coulson and Jasper Sitwell tried to deal with the situation but were quickly attacked by the Destroyer. Temporarily waylaid by Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, it continued its advance through the New Mexico town of Puente Antiguo until Thor stepped forward to face it alone. Thor appealed to Loki through the Destroyer, asking Loki to take his life, but leave the nearby populace alone. The Destroyer then dealt him a mortal blow, but Thor's act of self-sacrifice caused his lost power to be restored, and with it he overcharged the suit causing it to malfunction, Thor Following the battle at New Mexico, S.H.I.E.L.D. took custody of the Destroyer. with the intention to study it and reverse engineer it if possible. S.H.I.E.L.D. Files


  • Canon (2 stop motions)
    • Thor (First appearance) - No voice actor
    • S.H.I.E.L.D. Files
      • The Mighty Avenger - No voice actor
      • Thor: Epilogue (Deactivated body only)
      • Green Issues (Mentioned only)




S.H.I.E.L.D. Files[]
